Department head’s speech

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
After trusting in God, the Department of the Elevation of Life was opened in harmony with the establishment of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, which aims to provide the governorate’s community with educational cadres capable of raising the flagpole of science and knowledge in our society, armed with the latest sciences, modern curricula, and high educational foundations, led by an efficient teaching staff with advanced degrees, and taking The department is responsible for working as a whole, represented by the students, who are the cornerstone of the educational process, the professors, and the academic material, and providing modern laboratory supplies for the student to gain access to, in addition to the theoretical scientific material, and pairing it with the practical material by equipping the laboratories with modern furniture, laboratory equipment, and chemical materials so that the student can be acquainted with modern experiments and the use of microscopes of all kinds. . We believe that the graduate will be well-established and capable of leading the educational process when he enters the workplace and enters into a successful career.
The best thing we can hope for is that God Almighty will grant us success in our work and reap its fruits in our dear students in service to our society and our great country.